
Straightforward, honest pricing.

Always Faithful Memorial Services takes great pride in providing premier services with no hidden fees.  Our direct cremation package includes all of our services including our funeral director, personal assistant assigned to your case, transportation of your loved one, urn of your choice from our inventory, official death certificate, use of our state-of-the-art facility & equipment for $1,400.  We will return your loved one to you, in person if you wish for us to (USPS will be utilized to return the remains if next of kin or designee is living out of the area, per Missouri State Law).  Other facilities may offer a lower initial advertised price but they have hidden costs in the fine print.   These costs range from mileage, weight fee, storage fees, and so many more which end up by far exceeding our prices dramatically.  

Whether you use our funeral home or not please ask questions for your benefit:

What is included in their package & total cost?

Is there a pick-up fee?


Document fees?

What is your loved one returned to you in? cardboard box or plastic box?

Fuel surcharges/additional cremation fees?

Do they ship your loved one out to a contractor or stay on site?

If you choose to have a service or Celebration of Life our fee for coordinating, organizing, arranging services, securing a venue option, and more, will depend on your needs.  We will be there with you every step of the way.

Any donations received will be forwarded directly to the family unless they have a designated recipient i.e. St. Judes, etc.  We recommend sharing the obituary/living memorial on your FB page so you friends and family can be updated on services & your wishes.  It's very simple to share from our website to social media.  You can also print the living memorial directly from our website.